“Party hard, make mistakes and laugh endlessly. Do the things you are afraid to do. After all you are only young once” – Kush and Wisdom

A lot of parents, especially Generation X parents are furious about their daughters and sons who go to parties or clubs. While they confine their teenage sons and daughters, some of them break out the window just to go to a friend’s party probably. Because after all, they are teens who wants fun and excitement. They need socialization not confinement. For many people’s perspective, Clubbing is a great experience. It is a way of socialization especially for those extrovert persons. It increases the dophamine – a chemical substance that makes us feel happy and active- in our body. But who says it is just for teens? Clubbing is for everyone who needs it.

Human as we are, we have vices, we commit mistakes, we try new things, we tend to be curious about everything and it leads to trying it all just to know where we belong. Finding the pieces and knowing where our heart beats fast to the things we do, means everything. And that is the purpose of living. Unraveling where you want to be, what you want to do, who you want to be with and finding who we really are is the best feeling you can ever experience.

Old habits die hard and, in this case, would seem to live forever. Infinity, symbolized by the number eight then translated to Japanese, is Hatchi. We cannot live forever like the word Hatchi means, but we can live the moment. There are many ways to release stress and fuel our wanderlust souls, and one of it, for some people is through clubbing.

Clubbing has been a big part of life for some people, teen or not, student or employee, professional or not. We all do the same thing. It is living life to the fullest. Experiencing things we are not used to, but letting it flow and touch our lives. Clubbing is one of the things many people do to release stress, to reconnect with people they lose touch, and also to meet new people with extraordinary personalities but surely will be part of every rave chapter of your life.

Numerous of clubs are established here in the Queen City of the South, Cebu. Different fun and excitement that these clubs cater and offer, but let me introduce one of the famous clubs here in Mandaue City. Ladies and gentlemen, and in between, Club Hatchi.

Club Hatchi is a large entertaining Club where you can eat, drink, rave and chill. It is one of the famous clubs in Cebu, not to mention IT HAS NO ENTRANCE FEE, lovely right. It has two main section that you can enjoy with your rave friends. The first stop is the live band or the undercover large area that has liquor bar and meal services. This section is mostly used for karaoke and eating where you can perform on the stage with your favorite songs, singing your heart out and unleashing your talents in front of everyone, or if you are not fond of it because of shyness or you just want to sit back and chill, you can still enjoy the ambiance by listening from someone who is singing on the stage while under the enormous sky full of shimmering stars. You can enjoy the whole view, with no entrance fee, how is that sounds huh?

But that is not all you can enjoy in this place. Inside is a large night club area with great edm music, favorite songs from your favorite artists, mix and loud music from the club’s DJs. And this is the main part of the club. You can avail there table by simply buying a bucket of liquors, and you can have a table for free. The club area has VIP rooms at the second floor of it and canbe avail by reasonable prices. From the balcony of the VIP room you can see the whole rave area full of party people. But still, the tables at the ground is a good spot if you are looking for a partner or just want to have plenty of rave friends partying with the whole crowd.

Clubbing will not be complete without your favorite liquors and food. You can check out your orders in the liquor booth and meal services beside the main entrance of the night club area. This club’s menu, is mostly Filipino food at reasonable prices. The club offers a short menu lists; Cheese Sticks, Crispy Fried Intestine or Tungol, Fish Fingers, French Fries, Kropek, Ngohiong, Potato Chips, Siomai, Squid Ball, Squid Roll, Squid Tempura, Fried Chicken, Buttered Chicken, Fried Chicken Liver and Colon, Tosilog, Beefsilog and Chorisilog and many more.

Liquors for the night:
•Both local beers and coke are 50 pesos
•Bucket of local beer is at 250 pesos
•Other liquors like branded whiskeys, rhum, cocktail, vodka etc vary by the prices, you can approach at the booth or lounge for assistance
•Food may vary also in prices, lists of the menu is at the lounge where you can order your favorite food and drinks

It is not just clubbing. It is an experience.
Many people believe in the quote “You only live once” so they tend to do the things they want to do. But i believe that “We, human, do not live once. We live every single day and we die once”. So live your life. Make good things for others. Love yourself more. Do the things which makes your heart beat faster, because that should be the feeling you should feel all your life.

Live, not just exist.